Simplifying Manifestation

Hey, I’m Yana

 I'm a mindset + manifestation coach, helping people just like you create their dream reality (yes, it's possible!). 


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One burning question I’ve had throughout my manifestation journey is how can this process be more simple? Deep down, I’ve always known that manifesting is an innate process within all of us, that we do it all the time yet we don’t really know how. And if we would just know this secret how, everything would be so simple.

And you know what? It is actually really simple. We make it hard for ourselves, with all of our limiting beliefs and doubts. But that’s not a “bad” thing, it’s actually part of the process. And to understand the how of the process, we need to begin with the what.

What is manifestation, really?

The biggest misunderstanding about manifestation is that it is something outside of ourselves, something we have to “do” to get something that we want – as if it’s a task, a chore, or a routine. We think of manifesting in terms of action and physicality – visualising, scripting, performing rituals, techniques and methods, to get something tangible that will make our lives “better”. Sometimes we even believe we need fancy objects or specific conditions in order to manifest, for example crystals or a new moon.

But manifesting is not something to be done, manifesting is who you are. You are an evolving being (whether you think you are just human or more). You are a process, you are the process. You are never static or complete, you are always undergoing change. Even on a physical/biological level, your cells are constantly renewing, your heart is beating, your lungs are breathing in and out.

Manifestation cannot be separated from you. Manifestation is you. It is you becoming.

Simplifying manifestation

When you understand that manifestation is who you are, it is a process of you becoming, it becomes clear that you are manifesting no matter what you do. Every moment is a new manifestation and every moment is a new you.

So if manifestation is a process of you becoming, the question is – what is it that you become?

And the answer to that is: you become whatever you choose to become.

I know it may not seem that way because now you might be thinking: “well if I become whatever I choose to become, why do I not already have all those things that I say I want? Why am I already not a millionaire? Or in a loving relationship? Or have my dream house or job?”

But let me ask you this – do you really choose those things? Do you really choose what you want? Do you choose to be who you want to be fully? Or do you choose to think about how you have been wronged in your past? How things haven’t worked out? How you dislike your current job or partner? How you don’t have what you want or lack the money/love/resources you need?

Choosing is not saying or thinking you want one thing, and then totally believing another.

Choosing means to completely DECIDE and COMMIT to what you want to become.

Manifesting what you want is a choice to believe who you want to be rather than who you believe you currently are or who you were yesterday. It’s a choice to let go of your old story in exchange for a new one.

You can literally be living your dream life right now in this very moment by choosing it. All that you need to do is fully commit with all of your energy and all of who you are, to BE who you want to be.

This is the simply truth to manifestation.

If this rings a bell for you, if this resonates deep in your core, you will know and you will feel it. You will know that you are now more ready than ever before to live it. Maybe this shift in perspective won’t happen right away, maybe it will take another month or year for you to truly commit. But the seed has been planted, and now it’s up to you.

What do you choose?

With love & truth,


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My name is Yana. I'm a mindset + manifestation coach, helping people just like you create their dream reality (yes, it's possible!).