Living a Soft Life with Girl Boss Results

Hey, I’m Yana

 I'm a mindset + manifestation coach, helping people just like you create their dream reality (yes, it's possible!). 


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When I think about my dream life, the first thing that comes to mind is freedom. If I had one wish, I would wish for absolute liberty to do whatever I want, whenever I want, however I want, and also get (aka manifest) whatever I want. I mean, who wouldn’t?

When people think about manifestation, they typically think about all the material things that they can get in their lives – a cup of coffee, a parking spot, a car, a life partner. They think in singular terms – if only I had this great job or this perfect house, then my life would be great. But they don’t think about the bigger potential. They don’t think that they can literally create an entirely different life, with completely new rules of how that reality works.

When I talk about freedom, I mean radical freedom. I mean living your absolute dream life kind-of-freedom. Not the typical self-development things that become popular among the 99% just as quickly as they are forgotten, but a truly life-changing approach that only the 1% are willing to try because of how ‘outside of the norm and comfort zone’ it is.

My One Big Truth

I personally believe in one big truth – that each one of us is a creator of our entire reality. I mean, truly, down to every single detail. Now whether we are conscious of the choices we make is another story. For example, there are people who experience traumatic events in their lives – how could you say they were chosen or created? Well, I believe we are more than just our human self, and we also have a higher self or soul. Sometimes, it is on the soul level that we decide to experience something with a greater purpose, that on the human level we claim we would never ever choose.

Now look, I know that this perspective is extremely radical from what we are used to, delusional even. We typically don’t want to believe that there are things in our lives that we are responsible for. But what if we are? What if we create everything, and it’s not a matter of fault or blame? We create everything for the experience, always with a greater, divine purpose in mind – consciously or unconsciously.

I start with this, because if you want to truly create an entirely new life, you must truly believe in your power to create that life. If you only take responsibility for creating some things here and there, then you will only be able to truly create a few things here and there.

But imagine if you accept that you create every. single. thing. Like really, every experience is a choice and every experience serves a purpose – then that would also imply that you have the power to create other things. The difference now, is that you are consciously aware that you can create. Whereas before, you created mostly unconsciously.

Living a soft life with girl boss results

To me, at least at this stage in my life, freedom means embodying my feminine energy fully while still being able to create big things. It means not compromising my mental peace for the sake of running a successful business. It also means not doing what I don’t want to or feel like doing ever – which I know might sound very privileged or simply impossible, and what I will tell you to that is: (1) if you think that it’s privileged, that’s fine. My question is – would you not want that for yourself? Is the judgement/anger/frustration you have at that statement simply envy, telling you that you would also love to never have to do what you do not want to do? (2) it’s impossible with your current worldview. You cannot possibly imagine never doing what you don’t want to do because you do not believe that to be possible. But would you want that to be possible? Think hypothetically for a second, putting “real life” aside. Would you want to live a life where you get to only do things that you want to do and feel good to you? If yes, read on!

Once again, I repeat – when I talk about creating freedom and your dream life, I really mean it. It’s not just little mindset shifts that help you be more grateful for what you have or help you attract a new car, it’s a complete paradigm shift.

I am talking about flipping the way you view your life, your reality, your work/career, your money situation, your relationships, your SELF.

The thing is, the way you see the world now is completely TAUGHT. You learned to live this way, over time. You were conditioned, we all were. But now that you are aware that maybe, just maybe, it can be different, you are opening up an opportunity for yourself to change the way you see the world, and in turn, the way you experience it.

You cannot create your dream life with your current rules about life because it is all those rules that prevent you from living your dream! And by rules, I mean your beliefs about what can or cannot happen, what you can or cannot have, what you can or cannot do.

Change your rules, change your life.

My soft life rules

There are many ways in which you can go about creating this dream life. You can shift your mindset, you can do shadow work, you can embark on an inner-child healing journey. You can do ayahuasca or you can go to therapy. Or you can do it all! It doesn’t matter how you get there, what matters is that it is your intention to get there.

Right now, I will share the basic perspective shifts I had when I began to truly create a paradigm shift in my life. It may be enough for you to create yours, or it may not be. If it inspires you or resonates deep within your soul, keep going! You’re welcome to read other articles on my blog or even check out my coaching programs, they will probably be up your alley if this article is.

For now, here are my soft girl rules that I live my life by:

1. I am completely supported and provided for.

I believe in God. I believe in the Universe. I believe in a benevolent force that is within us and outside of us, that is us. And this force loves us so much that it will support us in every choice we make. It will provide for us whatever it is that we decide we want.

This is an important rule for me because it makes me feel safe. It allows me to trust that no matter what I choose, I will be supported and provided for, that I will never be in lack and that I will always have a “way out” of any difficult situation.

And of course, the more you can feel safe and trust, the more your life will unfold before your feet.

2. I am abundant and I always have everything that I need, in every moment.

One of my biggest fears and blocks in my life has been scarcity and lack – that feeling of “what if I don’t have enough?” or “what if everything is taken away from me?”. This deep fear of scarcity and lack had me chasing money goals and love from people outside of me for years, until I realised that the more I chase, the more I choose to not have enough.

So I began to look for the abundance I have and to affirm that I am enough. And the more I did that, the more I was proven right. Now, I believe that I have everything I need in every moment. And if I need something, I trust that I will get it when I need it. I am constantly proven right with little things like me thinking that I need new coffee filters (which are specific and cannot be found everywhere) and the next day, walking by a coffee shop that happens to have the ones I need.

3. I can have anything and everything I want.

Anything I can imagine, I can have. And it will come at the perfect time. This one took a while to truly believe because I had imposter syndrome, “why me??? how would I get so lucky?”. But here’s the thing, we can ALL have anything and everything we want. Some people choose to, some people don’t. It’s not your business what someone else chooses, but it is your business what you choose.

The best thing you can do for others is to love them unconditionally and show them the way. So if you do not allow yourself to have everything you want out of guilt or shame like I did, thinking “I am not worthy enough!”, know that you are not only holding yourself back, but you’re holding others back. Because once others see how well you’re doing, they will want to know. And only then can you actually help them.

4. I am supported and guided by my joy and excitement.

Since I was a kid, I thought that life has to be hard, and that good things don’t come easy, and that I must work hard to get the things I want. “Hard work” for me always sounded like I have to do a bunch of things I don’t like and don’t want to do.

Eventually in my manifestation journey, I decided to create a life where my joy supports me. Rather than having to do hard things to get what I want, why don’t I just choose to do fun things? What if my joy and my excitement can guide me and provide for me better than my fear of lack? And it does! It makes sense too, the more you follow your joy, the more fulfilled you are, and the more your reality gives you back more to be joyful about.

It feel scary and almost impossible to trust that your joy can support you in the beginning, but not because it’s not true. Only because you decided to believe you must work hard. Your mindset is like a muscle, it requires training and consistency. Practice trust and begin to follow your joy little by little, eventually you will see that you truly are supported.

These are my soft life rules because they feel the best to me. They can look completely different for you, or maybe these resonate with you. Either way, I hope you see this as inspiration that the life you want to create is possible, down to the tiniest details and up to your biggest wishes.

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My name is Yana. I'm a mindset + manifestation coach, helping people just like you create their dream reality (yes, it's possible!).