When your power becomes too big for the life you are living.

Hey, I’m Yana

 I'm a mindset + manifestation coach, helping people just like you create their dream reality (yes, it's possible!). 


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It always begins with a faint whisper. You begin to silently question, sometimes without even consciously realising: Is this really all there is? Can’t I have more, be more, experience more?

In the beginning, you override the subtle nudges. You tell yourself to be “realistic”. You fear that if you dream too big, you will only end up disappointed. You remember the pain of the past and you tell yourself that no matter what, you will protect yourself from that pain, so you suppress the whispers and the nudges and find safety in your comfort zone.

But your power is too big for the life you are living, whether you acknowledge it or not.

The whisper comes back louder and the nudge comes back stronger. This time, it’s not a question. It tells you directly: You can’t live this way anymore. It’s all wrong. It triggers your worst fears and your deepest anger, and all the pain and hurt you’ve suppressed.

And then you begin to listen.

The moment you start to question if you deserve better, you do.

If you’re new to the whole ‘self-development’ or healing thing, you will probably assume something is going terribly wrong. You may seek professional help, feel like you’re going crazy, begin to question your identity and all your beliefs. You may begin to wonder what the hell you’re doing with your life.

That’s the point. You’re meant to question.

Over time, you will begin to understand that a central truth to life is that life is forever evolving and constantly changing, which means that you are also forever evolving and constantly changing. And in that change, there come moments when your potential is simply much greater than what you think or believe at the time.

The moment you begin to question your current life is the moment that you begin to grow. The question alone is a yearning for more. If you could not have more, you would not ask. So understand that the moment you start to question whether you deserve better, whether it’s in a relationship or job or living situation or anything anything anything, you DO.

Trust the process.

I know you’ve probably heard this a million times, but trusting the process is the only thing you can really do anyway. You cannot escape the call to stepping into your power, no matter how much you try to escape it, suppress it, or override it.

It can look vastly different for different people, but you will most definitely resonate with one or more of the following points. They don’t have to occur in any particular order and you will likely return repeatedly to these phases multiple times. The process can also last anywhere from a few days to months at a time. But if you find yourself experiencing at least 3 of the phases below, you are 100% in a process of transformation.

  1. You feel like old habits or past pain and trauma is resurfacing and worry that the progress you’ve made was for nothing.
  2. You have moments of greater awareness and expansion, and it feels great. You feel more peace, joy, love and certainty in who you are than you ever have before. But it is followed by either longer or more intense periods of darkness (fear, anxiety, sadness, anger etc.).
  3. You don’t know what to trust – that everything will actually be okay or whether you need to do something not to spiral out of control.
  4. You have moments when you are understanding more of who you truly are and who you want to be. You are awakening to greater wisdom than you could have even imagined.
  5. You feel like you’re bouncing back and forth from different emotional and mental states, like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster. It’s probably difficult to keep up.
  6. You are noticing your own self-sabotaging habits or mechanisms of control. You may begin to notice that you don’t like them or don’t need them anymore and/or you may cling to them more.
  7. You’re exhausted for no reason. You feel physically and mentally tired even when you haven’t done much. You also feel like you don’t want to do anything in particular (unmotivated, blank, empty).

Congratulations! You’ve got yourself a blessing in disguise.

If you’re still reading, then congratulations, you’ve got yourself a period of immense growth. And though it may not feel very amazing most of the time, it is a huge blessing.

The speed at which you move through your transformation only depends on one thing – the extent to which you are able to surrender. It doesn’t matter how big the change is from who you were to who you are, how ready you think you are, or how much you want or don’t want this change to occur – growth is not linear or time-bound.

The only thing that matters is how much you are willing to surrender control.


In order to understand how you can surrender, it really helps to understand that you actually want this and you chose this transformation.

How? Simply ask yourself right now – do you want this change? Do you want this transformation? If you could choose between growth and staying where you were, what would you choose?

I’m 100% certain that your answer is YES, I want growth. Even if it takes you a second to look past your fear of the unknown or the desire to stay in your comfort zone, you know deep within that you want this.

So if you want this change, why are you still resisting?

The key to surrender is to accept.

Begin with accepting that you want to change even if it is scary.

Then accept the fear of change that comes up. Accept that you feel your heart pounding faster and that your fight or flight response is kicking in.

Accept the anger and resentment that you feel towards yourself, accept the anger you feel towards others, towards the world.

Accept the grief of past memories, of not getting what you want.

Accept the frustration of this process of transformation and that it’s taking longer than you want it to.

Accept that you need to accept.

And keep going.

Surrender is about recognising what it coming up in your awareness (which requires conscious awareness to do so), and then allowing whatever comes up to be whatever it is.

This is all you need.

The process happens naturally, and the more you let go of your control, the smoother the transformation becomes. And it’s okay if you notice that you can’t surrender, you can’t trust or you can’t let go of control. You willingness to try is enough.

There’s no rush.

I know that this period of time can feel like a lot. I know it can feel like it’ll never end, and sometimes even like you’ll never make it through. Trust me, I’ve been through this phase more than I’d like to think about.

One thing, related to surrender, that I always came back to in my transformation phases was releasing the need to rush. I know how impatient you can feel, especially when this phase lasts for years (it has for me at some point…). But listen, you’re an eternal being. You are more than this lifetime, more than this body. You’ll get where you need to go eventually, and the more you can accept where you are now, the more relief you’ll find.

You know deep down that what’s happening isn’t just bad luck, a rut, or a bad life, you know that it’s happening for you. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here, reading this, trying to understand what’s happening.

You know what you’re doing more than you realise sometimes, so let go of the reigns and let your new self guide you to where you’ve been yearning to go.

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My name is Yana. I'm a mindset + manifestation coach, helping people just like you create their dream reality (yes, it's possible!).