You’re living your dream life already but you don’t see it

Hey, I’m Yana

 I'm a mindset + manifestation coach, helping people just like you create their dream reality (yes, it's possible!). 


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As a mindset & manifestation coach, I teach people how to create their “dream life”. And what I’m noticing time and time again, whether it’s in my own journey or other people’s, is that creating your dream life is less about making it happen (as if it’s something that exists “out there” or in another phase of your life), and more about realising the ways you are living it right now.

The issue is a matter of perspective. We think that living our dream life will look a very specific way and that is how we will know that we got there.

But the truth is, we want our dream life because it will feel a certain way, because we think it will make us more happy, more at ease, more free, more abundant.

Our mind can’t help but attach an image to a feeling. It can’t help but logically define a “dream life” in tangible terms. And that’s fine, there certainly is a satisfaction to achievement, to saying “I made it”. Experiencing our dream life physically and tangibly, in the way that we imagined it, is a part of the process.

But that’s the thing, it is only a part of the whole process. A part that we most often over-emphasize. A part that we make a whole.

An incomplete equation

The irony is that we actually will experience our dream life in its physicality, as in – we will see actual results in our external reality – WHEN, and only when, we are able to include the other equally important part of the process of manifestation into our lives.

The process of manifestation is only whole, and therefore functions as an effective whole, when it is treated as such. In other words, if we focus only on one half of the equation (the visible, tangible, results-driven part) and we miss out on the other half (the unseen, magical, feeling-driven part), we will only get half-ready, incomplete results.

The more we can accept the entirety of the process, the more we will experience the entirety of our manifestations.

All manifestations begin as a feeling

Everything we want that is tangible and physical, always, ALWAYS, begins with a feeling. Whether it starts as an idea for something we want, or we don’t realise we wanted it until we get it, the reality is that the manifestation is defined as a manifestation because we like it. As in, it adds some kind of positive feeling in our lives – generally, it is joy or love, but it can also be freedom, abundance, purpose, excitement etc.

So when it comes to creating your dream life, I’m sure you have an image of what that looks like, which is made up of a number of different aspects. For instance, the image of my dream life consisted of working my dream job (mindset coach) and making a certain amount of money, being in a loving romantic relationship, finding more friends who match my vibe – all quite general things that you likely relate to.

But there is a reason that you want the specific things you want, they all have an underlying feeling. For me, working my dream job meant financial freedom, passion, joy, excitement to wake up everyday and do what I love. Having a romantic relationship or finding more friends meant support, feeling loved and cherished, the joy of sharing your experiences with others.

Looking at it this way, I began to notice that that instead of making new friends, I have deepened the bonds that I already have and that felt even better than what I thought I wanted. Instead of feeling supported through a romantic relationship, I learned how to validate and love myself more than ever before. Instead of financial and time freedom that I thought I’d get from my job, I was more supported by my family and this created so much more time and space to focus on the things that truly bring me joy.

This is the over-looked part of the equation – believing in the magic of manifestation before you can see it as you expected to see it, feeling the reality of what you have been asking for right now.

We tend to think that believing in what you don’t already have means to believe in something completely unreal, as if it has to be a reach. And I know it certainly can feel that way when we want to manifest something we want, but it appears super far into the future.

But this is the point I’m trying to put across – you are living your dream life more than you realise right now. It is only a matter of perspective. You only assume that you are not, because you do not see that specific image that you have created in your mind. But what about the feeling?

You must have felt the feeling that feeling you are seeking in your manifestations before to know what you want. If you’d never felt it before, you wouldn’t ask for it.

Manifestation is not creating something completely new. It’s asking for MORE of what you know you want, which you must have experienced already to know that you want it.

And the beauty of this reframe is that, the more you realise you are living your dream life, the more you actually will. The more you bridge the unseen (the feeling) with the seen (the image of what your dream life looks like), the more you complete the manifestation process and treat it as the whole that it is. In turn, the process creates an image and experience that is more whole and complete.

With love and truth,


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My name is Yana. I'm a mindset + manifestation coach, helping people just like you create their dream reality (yes, it's possible!).