Ready to ditch the desperate vibes?

You’ve tried the struggle approach and you're ready for something new

I know that deep down, you know you are meant for more. You know that life isn't meant to be such a struggle. You're tired of trying, yet you're here.


You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for that spark of hope in you. Maybe it's your intuition, maybe your higher self, or maybe you're just at your wits end and this is your last resort.

Whatever it is, 

you're here for a reason.

let me guess...

You’re done feeling like everything you do is just not enough

You've chased success and you know, if you try hard enough, you can do it. You're a high-achiever. But you're burnt out and you wonder if there's another way...

You know you have so much potential and value to share but you just don't have the space for others right now. You crave to be taken care of the way you support everyone else.

You're tired of feeling like you have to make things happen or you need to prove yourself. You're ready for that slow-living lifestyle but it feels scary to let go of control.

i understand. really.

I’ve been there too.

I know what it's like to buy into the whole hustle-culture mentality, to chase achievement just to prove your worth, and to feel like you need to be productive all. the. damn. time. 

You're probably realising that the struggle is not for you and maybe you're just not meant to work. You're also probably  hoping to just get lucky, win the lottery or marry a rich man. But that feels wrong too.

Girl. I got you. There is another way. You can be successful. And you can live with ease. And you can allow yourself to relax. The only one who's stopping you is YOU. Or more specifically, your belief that it isn't possible.

ready to write a different story?


Your divine feminine

A 6-week, one-on-one journey of restoring & reconnecting you with your innate feminine power to live from flow rather than force, ease rather than struggle, and effortlessness rather than chasing.

Enroll now

Want to peek inside?

Here’s what to expect

week one

understanding the divine dichotomy

The key to living a life of alignment and harmony is balancing your core energies. I refer to them as feminine and masculine (but you've probably also heard yin & yang, shadow & light etc.). We begin with a thorough understanding of these energies so you may choose your preferred state of being.

week two

Harnessing the power of your emotions

Everything that you want or don't want in your reality comes down to how you feel about it. Your emotions are the bridge between you and your desires. They are beyond logic and mind, therefore beyond "space and time", and have the power to shift you into the reality you prefer instantaneously!

week three

The magnetism of trust and the unknown

The divine feminine creates her reality therefore there is never a reason to fear the unknown. Learning to cultivate trust in life, which really means cultivating trust in yourself, is key to the wild and magical results you deeply desire. This week, you will download the cheat codes to co-creation, surrender and letting go.

week four

Connecting with your inherent worthiness

Stepping into your divine feminine energy requires you to realise the Truth of Who You Are: worthy, whole, and perfect. Our society tells us that worthiness is defined by your output, but this week, I will teach you how to create your own rules, your own definitions, and your own beautiful story.

week five

opening up to receive with ease & effortlessness

You natural state, as the divine feminine, is to be open, receptive, and allowing. It is not something that is reserved for the lucky few, but rather it is your birthright. The divine feminine serves by being, thus she attracts, like a magnet, all that she needs. Are you ready to be magnetic?

week six

reconnecting with your wholeness & authenticity

Divine feminine energy is to know who you are and love all that you are completely. But that does not mean that you are set to be as you are now forever. On the contrary, the divine feminine is ever-evolving and who she is is who she chooses to be. We end this journey by diving into who you are and who you choose to be.

I created this course to be the thing that proves YOU CAN.

creating success in the way you want it means redefining it completely.

The truth is: the only way to live your dream life is to literally mould it into existence. It doesn't exist because you don't believe in it yet. And while other programs teach you how to fit into other people's standards, I teach you how to create your own. From scratch.

We're done with what majority of people are doing. It's time to step into your innate power.

We were taught, as a society, that the way to success is through non-stop productivity and an aggressive shark mindset. But what if that's not true? What if there is a power that lies dormant within each of us that is just as powerful, if only we tap into it?


how it


we'll start with a discovery call

In this 45-minute session, we will ground your wildest dreams into reality & create a plan of action. We'll see if we vibe & what working together will be like.


Your dream life awaits you to say yes

Your uplevel begins before you enroll - with the decision that can change your life: will you choose the future you want, or will you stay in your comfort zone?


get ready for next level success

Once you've officially joined the program, you'll get instant access to my whats app for all the preperation deets and we'll schedule in our first session. Eeeek! Get excited!!!

book a call now

Waiting for?

so what are you

You've tried it all. You're sick and tired of nothing working the way you hoped it would. But what if it all that was meant to lead you right here? What if it all happened so that now, when you're really ready, you commit to yourself so whole-heartedly that you never look back again.

Pick your plan:

3 payments of


24/7 whatsapp & dm support

1:1 bespoke coaching (75-minute, weekly sessions)

Lifetime access to weekly session & teaching summaries


Enroll + pay biweekly

1 payment in full of


24/7 whatsapp & dm support

1:1 bespoke coaching (75-minute, weekly sessions)

Lifetime access to weekly session & teaching summaries

Save 10%

pay in full + save!

best value!

pOV: You're done buying into hustle culture & now...

You have time for yourself, become a magnet to everything you need & opportunities find YOU

You feel freedom, trust + acceptance in who you are & where you're going

Your goals feel authentically you & you're excited to experience them (because you know you can)

You allow good things into your life by opening up to receive more and doing less

Enroll now

Make this your year. because you deserve it.

got questions?

Book a discovery call and let’s chat about your goals!

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