i know what it's like...

to feel weighed down, lost & stuck... & not knowwhy

ready to change the narrative?

The thing about your shadows is that they are subconscious. You think you're in charge, when really, your past programming and limiting beliefs are running your life.

How do you know that's what's happening to you? You feel stuck. Nothing you do seems to bring you the life your really want. You self-sabotage, or worse - don't realise you are self-sabotaging. 

I created this program to be theThing that changes your life.

we'll work directly with your subconscious mind. that means you'll actually feel & see the results.

Your subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of your functioning. That means that the vast majority of your life is created automatically, without you even realising. Most manifestation techniques are based on the superficial 5% of the conscious mind (thinking positive, being in the "vibration" etc). We'll focus on what actually transforms.

this is not just another overdone manifestation technique, this is healing.

When it comes to creating your dream life, you need to become your dream self. It's not about pretending or acting as if, it really means becoming your whole, complete, worthy, authentic & healed self. 

The best part? Once you run through this program once, you'll understand the shadow transmutation process and can repeat the work for a lifetime.


the shadow transmutation program

A set of three transformative 2-hour subconscious deep-dives to unveil and integrate rejected parts of self in order to set free your whole & worthy, authentic self.

Enroll now

ready to let go of everything that's not yours?

here's what to expect

session overview

Each 2-hour session follows a set structure:

1. Uncover
Your shadow aspects are hidden behind layers of protective mechanisms. Becoming aware of these aspects if half of the work.

2. Meet
We begin to shed light onto your shadow aspects by making contact with them. This is typically the most emotional part of the journey, but also the most healing.

3. Integrate
The last step is to diffuse the power the shadow aspect holds over you. Though it may seem counter-intuitive, this is done through acceptance & forgiveness.

session one

Easing into the depths of your subconscious

We begin with a focus on compassion. The idea is to start gently, get to know the process, and lay the foundation for building a stable and strong sense of self-worth.

session two

honouring your place in the world

The journey of shadow work is like a spiral, where one aspect illuminates the next...

Next, we work with the themes of self-confidence and self-worth. The focus is on purpose, presence, and a deservingness to be here, to speak up, to ask for what you want.

We end the journey with the themes of balance and harmony. Living aligned is all about the the sweet spot between intention & letting go, action & detachment. True authenticity comes from feeling secure in who you are, yet not needing to prove it.

session three

securing your authenticity

After this program, you will

Make room for new opportunities and new possibilities to come into your life

Feel lighter by letting go of emotional baggage & self-sabotaging beliefs

Breathe more freedom, ease & flow into everything you do. You'll feel lighter!

Remember your innate wholeness & worthiness + reclaim your personal power

Enroll now

“Yana is truly an expert when it comes to uncovering and letting go of shadows”

Through our session I realised I had carried around a belief that was making me feel bad and limiting me. Yana helped me work through this belief during the session and by the end it held no more weight. I truly shifted the way I saw myself in that session. Thanks again!



how it


we start with a discovery call

I'll acquaint you with my unique shadow work method - it's probably unlike what you've done before! We'll see if we vibe & what working together will be like.


your transformation awaits you to say yes


Get ready for some major shifts!

book a call now

Your transformation begins before you enroll - with the decision that can change your life: will you choose the future you want, or will you choose your comfort zone?

Once you've officially joined the program, you'll get instant access to my whats app for all the preperation deets and we'll schedule in our first session. Eeeek! Get excited!!!


ready to commit to

Pick your plan:

3 payments of


3 sessions (no expiry)

1:1 personalised coaching

PDF Shadow Work Guide 


Enroll + pay per session

1 payment in full of


3 sessions (no expiry)

1:1 personalised coaching

PDF Shadow Work Guide 

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pay in full + save!

best value!

It’s time to stop holding yourself back from your


Enroll now

you'll also receive

a PDF guide with transformative shadow work practices

lifetime access to weekly Session & teaching summaries 

Unlimited whatsapp + email + dm support throughout the journey 

This program was created for *you*

This will be perfect for you if

You’re ready to experience & commit to some radical shifts

It probably won't be a good fit if

You're not willing to face uncomfortable emotions or beliefs

Enroll now

You haven't been getting the manifestations you want and you're open to try something new

You experienced deep suffering or trauma and require professional help

You feel stuck in a recurring pattern or rut and you want to break free

You're ready to show up for yourself, your healing and your growth

You're looking for a quick fix or overly attached to a particular outcome (you can't trust the process)

You have a victim mentality and prefer not to take responsability for your life

got questions?


How often are the sessions?

You get a set of 3 sessions with no expiry date. The general recommendation is to book them in every 2 weeks to allow space for integration while also maintaining the momentum of the work.


Can i do one session to see what it's like?

I offer a package of 3 because the transformation is exponential that way. But if you strongly prefer to "test it out" or learn more, you may book a discovery call and we can do a brief run-through.


what is shadow?

Everyone has "shadows" - these are the aspects of self that we have rejected or suppressed (during childhood, either by witnessing or through personal  experience) because we deem them unlovable, unacceptable, or shameful. They are called shadow because they are subconscious, meaning they take up energy and space in our life without us even knowing. 


what is shadow work?

Shadow work is the process of becoming aware of our own shadow aspects, as well as integrating them through acceptance and forgiveness so that they no longer impact our lives. Shadow normally comes up as judgements, self-sabotage, shame and embarassment, self-doubt, guilt, and intense fear. Shadow work allows us to process these heavy emotions and let them go.

got questions?

book a discovery call and let’s chat about your goals!

book a call